Welcome to our Africa blog

We hope all our families and friends will log in from time to time to see how we're getting on - and just to touch base. We all know we shall miss everyone and this is one of the ways we hope to keep in touch. And, of course, we shall be logging on to Skype and emailing whenever we get the chance. This is a massive adventure for us all with a shed load of planning , but once you've fallen for Africa you just have to see more. So here we go!

Tuesday 22 May 2012


The planning brought out the FLIP CHART ............

We had two early decisions. First the route and timescale, then the vehicle .... hire or buy? Here in the UK or there? As far as the main planning is concerned- like where to go from where - Chris and Garrie have been the leaders on this one.
Many hours have been spent pouring over maps, checking road conditions, locating camp sites and accommodation - from reading other blogs, travel web sites, reading books and linking up with people in the know. It's all a question of balance. We don't want to over plan but we want enough information to keep us happy.

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